Graeme to ekspert branży wyrobów medycznych z ponad 25-letnim doświadczeniem popartym uzyskaniem dochodów z rozwoju biznesu poprzez tworzenie i realizację udanych strategii. Jest znany jako specjalista w zakresie wejścia na rynek i dystrybucji. Pracował w ponad 57 krajach na całym świecie, tworząc kanały dystrybucji i prowadząc działalność. Działa jako zaufany doradca dla zarządów w USA, Europie, Australazji i na Bliskim Wschodzie. Ma duże doświadczenie w szybkim wykorzystywaniu możliwości i pozyskał znaczny kapitał na projekty. Wiele start-upów wykorzystujących jego wiedzę dokonało udanych i znaczących przejęć. Oprócz licznych start-upów, jego klientami są Boots Pharmaceuticals, United States Surgical Corp (obecnie Medtronic), LMA Urology Suisse (obecnie Cook Medical), Sanofi Biosurgery.

Specjalność Wyroby medyczne
Stopnie naukowe Licencjat z inżynierii (BSC)
Obszary specjalizacji Rozwój biznesuitemStrategia biznesowaitemDoradca Rady Medycznejitemitems_list
Biuro Szkocja
Płeć Mężczyzna


OstomyCure ASChief Executive Officer

OstomyCure AS is a Medical Technology company with headquarters in Oslo, Norway and main office in Stockholm Sweden. The company has developed a revolutionary technology called Transcutaneous Implant Evacuation Solution, the TIES® Solution.

The TIES® Continent Ileostomy Solution is a titanium implant solution with lid intended to replace a conventional ileostomy. It allows a more carefree life for patients who suffer from inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn´s disease, Ulcerative colitis, cancers or other related diseases that necessitate removal of the colon (large intestine).

The TIES® Solution is the result of several years of research combined with the latest 3D manufacturing technology. It has been developed and manufactured in accordance with the highest regulatory standards to ensure patient safety.

Ideas in Medicine Ltd.Director & Founder

A platform for clinicians with product ideas to find support to establish validity and ultimately commercialise their Idea. Funding mainly sourced from institutions and High net worth individuals.
● Trademarks, twitter name and domain name registered & established to begin marketing efforts.
● Initial approaches have been made to colleagues in the VC and Angel community to bring in partners.
● A book has been published and available on Amazon – “Ideas in Medicine” to drive interest

Jagworldwide LtdCEO/Director & Founder

Medical Device & Healthcare Industry Experts, providing contacts, networks, distributors, manufacturers, funding & investment. Specialists in interim management and project management.

Distribution Management.

If you are growing your business through distributors globally or regionally we can help you. We have worked in 55 different countries Internationally with extensive experience in The Americas, Europe, India, China and Australasia. Perhaps you need to find a suitable distributor – or change an existing relationship that isn’t working! Once you have your Distributor Network in place we can help you manage their activities. This is a specialist role but often doesn’t need to be a full time one.

Interim Management

If you are growing rapidly or changing your management structure you may need help managing your companies activities. We can offer short, medium or long term, non binding services. With decades of experience in the Medical Device arena we can plug any gap until you find your own permanent solution. We specialise in Sales and Marketing and understand what it takes to provide temporary solution to ensure your business keeps growing.

OstomyCure AS

W OstomyCure jesteśmy bardzo zaangażowani w poprawę życia pacjentów ze stomią lub z pokrewnymi chorobami zapalnymi jelit.

— OstomyCure

OstomyCure AS

På OstomyCure är vi mycket engagerade i att förbättra livet för patienter med stomi eller med relaterade inflammatoriska tarmsjukdomar.

— OstomyCure